Free Online Reading


Free Online Reading Tarot Cards Examples

Free online reading of tarot cards has been popular nowadays. You can have your future predictions read and have your free readings done conveniently at your own home since it is already available to anyone who can connect to the internet.

The traditional meanings of the cards are the same regardless of the specific deck that is being used even though the associated imagery and language with each deck of cards tends to make it useful for some types of readings.

An example is the Renaissance Tarot. The Renaissance Tarot card deck is found to be particularly good at questions of reason, passion and mastery by many people. In a tarot reading, half of the cards are drawn reversed or upside down. In doing so, it either negates or inverts their meaning.

An example is when the Death card is read upright, it means "change" but when it is read in reverse, it means "stagnation". Other tarot card decks are the Aquatic Tarot, International Icon Tarot, Lovecraft Tarot and theVoodoo Tarot of New Orleans, just to name a few.

Because of its traditional imagery and spectacular beauty, the Aquatic Tarot card deck is becoming one of the most popular decks. Rendering the traditional symbolism of the occult in Swiss iconography is the International Icon Tarot. It carries with it the direct and humorous approach to divination.

For the followers of the macabre, the Lovecraft Tarot is the deck of choice. This deck of cards is a tribute to the visionary H.P. Lovecraft's gothic writings. Rich in primal spirituality, the Voodoo Tarot of New Orleans card images are drawn from the Santeria religion. The Santeria religion is a combination of Catholic and African beliefs. This deck of cards is used often mostly to ask questions regarding fury, joy and spirituality in one's everyday life.